Saturday, 21 December 2013

Orangeeee orange!!!!!!!!!

Too good contest ..Have selected the orange team..

All the orange flavour lovers hip hip hurray!!!! 

Very first thing would like to say as soon as we hear the word "Orange" such a nice colour and a round juicy

 fruity thing comes to our mind.The word "Orange"  itself refreshes us makes us feel so rejuvenated.

Oranges are originated from south east asia and are available in variety.

Oranges being a citrus fruit is acidic in nature but is a excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of 

dietary fiber.Oranges have many nutitional and healthy values but instead of discussing it lets move on to the 

breezer using orange flavour.Breezers using the natural orange flavours tastes awesome.Amongst all the 

other flavours Orange is  the best one to go on.Its natural tangy, sweet and  bitter taste keeps rolling  over 

the tongue.Since breezer contains just 2% of alcohol it is best suited for womens.So cheers for the orange 

bacardi breezer!!!!